Voices Her’d Community Paint Day With Groundswell

July 27, 2019By mohdcsmartstartArts and Crafts, Community Activism, Extracurricular, Summer Camp No Comments

We were invited by Groundswell to the “Voices Her’d Community Paint Day” on Junius Street, on the side of the Food Bazaar. They were painting another one of their socially-aware murals and were interested in having us participate. Even though we didn’t have on paint-ready clothing, our campers had a blast! They used pencils, paint, … Read More

Summer Camp Is Ending!

August 24, 2015By mohdcsmartstartCreative Curriculum, Early Childhood, Extracurricular, Summer Camp, Universal Pre-K No Comments

It’s hard to believe our summer camp is fast approaching an end. We are happy you have chosen us to nurture your children this summer. You can view the many activities your child participated in on our school’s website www.mohdcsmartstart.com. You can also follow us on Instagram,  Facebook, and Youtube.  On Friday, August 21, 2015 from 4 – 6:00 … Read More

MOHDC SmartStart Class Trip to the NY Transit Museum

August 5, 2015By mohdcsmartstartExtracurricular, School Trip, Summer Camp, Universal Pre-K No Comments

We took our campers to the NY Transit Museum to learn about the world-renowned NYC subway system. The museum wasn’t a gritty steampunk labyrinth for Morlocks like in HG Wells’ “The Time Machine” with steam bellowing up from tunnels and crawlspaces, furnaces smelting iron, and peons laboring for an omnipotent master. Instead, it was an attractive, well-organized … Read More