Here’s a throwback to our Holiday Potluck at the end of November at our Blake Avenue location. We celebrated with students, staff, and family. There was a variety of food including peas and rice, curried vegetables, pizza, greens, spaghetti, and a variety of desserts. Click here to go to our Facebook page to see the … Read More
Universal Pre-K
Register Now for the 2016-2017 Preschool Year!
Registration for the 2016-2017 academic year has begun. Can you believe it? It seems like school just began for our precious little ones and we have to prepare for a new batch of four-year-olds already. Whew! Make sure to begin your registration early so you can guarantee a seat for your child. Register for free … Read More
Summer Camp Is Ending!
It’s hard to believe our summer camp is fast approaching an end. We are happy you have chosen us to nurture your children this summer. You can view the many activities your child participated in on our school’s website You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. On Friday, August 21, 2015 from 4 – 6:00 … Read More
Open House and Orientation
Quick update! We will have our open house and orientation soon. Make sure you keep this information handy and don’t miss a date. Open House: Wednesday September 2nd – Wednesday September 9th 2015 10AM – 6PM Orientation: Session 1: Friday September 4th 2015 10AM – 1PM Session 2 (Make-Up Session): Tuesday September 8th, 2015 5pm – … Read More
MOHDC SmartStart Class Trip to the NY Transit Museum
We took our campers to the NY Transit Museum to learn about the world-renowned NYC subway system. The museum wasn’t a gritty steampunk labyrinth for Morlocks like in HG Wells’ “The Time Machine” with steam bellowing up from tunnels and crawlspaces, furnaces smelting iron, and peons laboring for an omnipotent master. Instead, it was an attractive, well-organized … Read More
Sidewalk Chalk!
We always have the happiest campers in Brooklyn because we have sidewalk chalk! Everyone wants to play when we bring these out. Children can draw and color with these safe, non-toxic chalks and they wash away easily.
Glowing Testimony from a Parent
It’s always a pleasure to hear a kind word and see a warm smile in response to the work we do. It’s a special pleasure when a parent takes time out of their busy schedule to tell us in detail how much the love us. Read the testimony below and see if it makes you … Read More
Class Trip to the African Burial Ground
Teaching students about their history is commonplace. Showing students their history in an interactive way is something else entirely. It’s an impactive, awe-inspiring way to learn. We showed our students a piece of their rich history when we went on our class trip to the African Burial Ground in New York City.
Nature Walk in East New York
Going on a nature walk is supposed to be an opportunity for exploration and discovery of the natural world around us. We’re supposed to see butterflies, moss, lakes, green spaces, and everything related to the great outdoors.
Pre-K Community Fair at the New Lots Library
Did you make it out for the PreK registration fair at the New Lots branch of the Brooklyn Public Library? We were there with our smartboard running demo videos and had free tee shirts and swagbags for children.